Role of motivation and self-belief in human growth.

By Lucky Puchhrat – 02/11/2018 – Friday

To me, motivation is the most intense and powerful word. People who are achievers in life, their source is always motivation. Motivation encourages them to achieve things, once they had dreamt of. A motivated person can take it from anyone and uses it to achieve his goals. Like a hungry fellow, he searches for motivation everywhere and the deeper he searches the better it gets. Motivation provides the willingness to do certain actions which otherwise are tough to do.

But in general, people take it very lightly and behave as experts, as though they know everything and should not be guided further. You talk to them about motivation and they won’t listen, they are happy the way they are. To me apart from listening and understanding, ‘application’ is the biggest motivation, but the sad part is people listen, they understand, seldom people put that learning into action. The missing motive out of motivation is the reason for it. People have firm belief that they cannot change, that is why they are reluctant in applying the new-found knowledge. To apply motivation in life one requires self-belief. Once this self-belief got gilded, it leads the whole show.

A few days ago, I was listening to a very famous neurologist who was talking on the topic of brain cells and motivation. He shortened the process of human motivation with the involvement of brain cells. He explained it so beautifully that I wanted to share it further with my friends. He justified it in three steps and I found them inspiring.

Firstly – He said that when we are fully confident about our endeavours our brain cells synthesize a chemical which gives us full energy and support. Irrespective of the circumstances we are in. These brain cells support us in developing our self-belief, which deals with all the major issues at large.

Secondly, if you have partial or half-hearted belief in your abilities, likewise, the brain provides you half-hearted support. This half support won’t let you get fully successful. Innocent though they are, unaware about the real problem they blame fate but not their partial self-confidence.

Thirdly when you have no self-belief at all the brain cells react in the similar fashion. They provide you with no support whatsoever you do. You fail at regular intervals and with the passage of time you become weak. Then you have one option with you to defend yourself, that you cannot be wrong. Then it becomes automatically justified that people and fate are against you, and no one supports you. 

Self-confidence is a panacea which turns everything in your favour, even if at the beginning you might face some challenges. Everyone in this world is having the same set of hormones, but the cerebral blockage, their upbringing, social view and external influences are the causes.

Go for it now the future is promised to none.

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